10 days after the plastic surgery I was able to have the stitches removed. They immediately covered the stitch marks with steri-strips. Steri-strips are a very sticky tape that kept the area really tight where the stitches had been. I had to keep these on for a week. As you can see I was back to big hair and big jewelry! : ) Minus the ugly bandages, I was back to my normal self.

After a week, the steri-strips were removed and I was able to be bandage free. BUTTTT... I did not feel comfortable going out and about with my "elephant trunk" ( I will explain in just a second) so I opted to cover it up with a bandage every day.

Under the bandage is my "elephant trunk" which is really a bridge. This bridge is there to keep the new skin on my nostril alive. Without this the new patch of skin would die. This "elephant trunk" or bridge as most call it will be removed during my second plastic surgery (which is today in about an hour)

As you can see from the picture the new skin is healthy and growing just fine. (This is why I finally get to have the bridge removed! YAY!) So far the doctor says everything looks GREAT and I agree! I am so pleased with everything. The scar on my cheek is not really noticeable at all when I smile. It blends in right with my "smile crease". With time and microdermabrasion all of the scars will be less noticeable. As for now, I am very pleased! : )

So far everything is going perfectly on schedule as the doctor had anticipated. Thank goodness that today the "elephant trunk"/ bridge will be gone! Very excited to not look abnormal but very nervous about the surgery. Especially the numbing shots. But it is all worth it. I cant wait to say farewell to the weird looking face below!

I got my ipod ready to go for surgery. I don't know how much pain will come with this surgery (praying not much at all) so depending on that I will post soon with pictures and details.
Love, Staci
Oh and one more thing! One of my dearest friends had this owl pillow made for me. Isin't it so cute! I love it. Thanks LG! (Made by Audie Oopie)