Well time has flew by and I am back to the NORMAL ME. Well I look like my normal self but somethings have changed...
One year ago today I was in the process of having MOHS surgery to remove basal cell skin cancer from my left nostril. The day after my MOHS surgery I had reconstructive surgery where they removed cartilage from my ear and skin from my "smile line" to construct a new nostril. I also had a "bridge" built from my cheek to help the new skin on my nose stay alive. Weeks later I had reconstructive surgery to remove the bridge and I was finally starting to look normal. I could have left everything there but I decided to go ahead and have another reconstructive surgery in December to smooth things out and get my nose as perfect as possible. Now, without knowing my situation, you would never know.
Things have been much different for me this summer. Going to my parents pool during the peek of the afternoon to lay out in the baking sun and read magazines for long periods of time are no longer an option. This is going to sound very vain but the pasty skin is what has probably been the hardest thing to get used to. Thank goodness for Jergens Natural Glow Lotion. It gives me a great, none orange look! If it was not for this lotion I probably would not be in shorts this summer.

I know what you are probably thinking, just do mystic tan. Well I tried that. I looked all over and everyone claimed that Palm Beach Tan had the best spray tan machines. So I walk in and waited in line behind the 15 people already there and I hear 20 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes over and over. None of these people were there for the spray tan, they were all waiting to get in a cancer giving tanning bed! I wanted to scream "NO PLEASE DONT I PROMISE IT IS NOT WORTH IT!". But knowing that a year ago if someone would have told me that when I was walking into my tanning bed I would have thought they were one of those crazy people. Would I have listened, NO WAY! So, with hands shaking and tears in my eyes I walked out and never tried another place. I know there are places that are strictly just mystic tan places without the cancer giving tanning beds but I just haven't worked myself up to it yet. I'm thinking of buying one of the portable ones and just give myself my own spray tan at home. Until then my Jergens lotion will do.
Another change that I have made is the use of hats. I thought it would be hard to get used to but I love them! They are the perfect accessory to any outfit or bathing suit. Weather I am at the lake in my baseball hats or at the beach in my big fancy hats, I love them.

Also, sunscreen everyday! Its second nature now. Even if I'm getting dressed to go to the movies and I know I will be inside, I wear my sunscreen. You still get the rays when driving in your car or just simply walking to and from the car. I can honestly say that I have not gone one day without my sunscreen. I even wore it when I was locked in the house for 4 days because of that crazy Texas February snow blizzard. I felt guilty not wearing it.
I know that if I were you I would rather see pictures then hear my blab on so here are some. I tried to pick out pictures of every day life, where you can really see my nose. Because I had such a fabulous doctor and its pretty impossible to tell which side of the nose it was just look for the hair swoop. My bangs swoop to the side of my nose that I had my skin cancer on.

And after time, life turns back to normal and all the new people who walk into my life never have a clue that a year ago I had half of my nose removed. With lots of prayer and a wonderful doctor getting over skin cancer is a breeze. If you or someone you know has Basal Cell and you have any questions please email me. I would love to talk! StaciSellers@yahoo.com
Also, I have many people ask me for my doctor's information so, if you would like be under the best skin cancer surgeon in the world here is my doctors information:
Dr. Thornwell H. Parker III, MD
8230 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 808
Dallas, TX 75231
(214) 696-8828