Well, today was the big day for various reasons. Mainly because of the plastic surgery but also for her interview. From what I was told prior to the surgery, it went really well. Let's all cross our fingers she get this!
Now for the surgery...
Originally I took off Tuesday and Wednesday to be there with Staci but after Tuesday passed, Staci told me she didn't think it was necessary for me to go today. (I wasn't to thrilled about this because I felt I needed to be there for her) So I told her I would go ahead and cancel my day off and go to work. Well, I did go to work, but showed up right before the surgery. :) I just couldn't take being at work wondering if everything was going ok. When we arrived at the office we only sat down for a brief moment before they called her back. I wished her good luck and assured her everything would be fine, as did her brother Cole. (He was today's hero really) The doctors had informed us today's procedure would only take about 45 minutes but that was a little off as it lasted around 2 hours. Dr. Parker made sure to take extra care of my pretty girl and that everything went smoothly. Basically they took some cartilage from behind her ear to place on her nose. Once the cartilage was in place, they made another incision on the crease of her mouth to take skin from so it could be the same kind. ( If you smile, it's the line on either side of your lips like big dimples). Next they made a "bridge" from her cheek to her nose to cover up the rest of the nose. Once she was done she came into the lobby bandaged up with some tears in her eyes. We assured her she would be alright and she looked great. Cole taxied Staci home as quickly as possible because there was some slight bleeding (no worries it's just from all the swelling) but Cole took care of that with some of his handy paramedic skills from being a fireman. Dr. Parker let her and us know everything went great with the surgery and she will be healed up perfect as ever in no time. For the time being, Staci is in a great deal of pain (as would anyone if they had 60 shots or so and their face worked on) but she has some good meds to make her feel better with some rest along with a great family to take care of her every need. She is currently in bed with Chanel getting some sleep while I type this and requested that I blogged for her.
I would like to personally thank all of her friends and family that have sent their thoughts/prayers or just a simple something to her during this time. (Thank you Kendra for showing up today, very sweet of you) It really means a lot to me and to Staci of course that she has some great friends and family that truly care about her. I honestly do not know of a stronger person than Staci. She has been so tough and positive through out this whole ordeal I don't know if I could have personally gone through it. She really is my hero (as corny as that sounds, it's true) and I can't tell you how lucky I am to have someone as strong as her in my life.
I'm sure most of you are wondering what her nose looks like... well we were able to take a few quick pictures to show all of you. They are pretty graphic so just beware... oh yeah, I promise Staci said it was ok to post these. I actually didn't want to but she insisited just in case you guys were wondering. :)
This is before plastic surgery and AFTER all the cancer is gone.

Here's a close up of it with the lines drawn on her where Dr. Parker will take skin from.

This is her ear where they took the cartilage from. (It's very swollen)

Here is a picture after the plastic surgery at home. Notice the swelling and "pre black eye"

Well, that's how today went and thank you again to everyone!
-Brian aka Taco Boy
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